Removing a company can be done from the employment details panel. See detailed steps below.
Manually added company
If you've manually added the company and equity data, here are some short steps for how to remove a company from your account.
1) Navigate to the Employment details section on the portfolio and click the pencil icon or by clicking on your initials in the upper right hand corner.
2) In the panel you'll see a trash can icon in the bottom right corner. Click on that to delete the company (Zebra).
Company was added by connecting to Carta
If the company was added by connecting your Secfi account to Carta, here are some short steps for how to remove a company from your account.
1. Go to the portfolio and navigate to the equity section. And click on the cog icon to manage your carta integration.
2. Click on the trash can icon
3. Click on the 'Confirm removal' button. Do not that if you have multiple companies connected through Carta this will disconnect the Carta integration for ALL companies.
4. Navigate to the Employment details section on the portfolio and click the pencil icon or by clicking on your initials in the upper right hand corner.
2) In the panel you'll see a trash can icon in the bottom right corner. Click on that to delete the company (Zebra).